Don’t let your Foot off The Gas Pedal!

This write up is more or less about staying on course and not letting go. I am a huge NBA Clippers fan but I have to say a few things and give the moral of the story. In the best of 7 series between the clippers and Spurs, the Clippers had enough energy and the will power to win the spurs eventually after a tough series 4-3 In game 7 with Chris Paul (My favorite player♥♥ ) delivering the winning shot. Just so you’d know Chris paul has been defeated by the Spurs twice in his playoff career so you … Continue reading Don’t let your Foot off The Gas Pedal!

Starting Out!

Been wanting to set this up for a really long time now, but for some reasons i’ve not. Kinda procrastinated and gave too many exuses (can’t go into details)…but err i am here  now and really happy to be sharing things that i learn and will learn with everyone that cares 🙂 Ok lemme establish something here…in the offline world i am not a writer to the letters but i have pretty good information to share on Engineering, Science, Bball and other random personal stuff. Hope you enjoy :)) Continue reading Starting Out!